by Emelda Ntinglet | May 21, 2020
When you search how big the world is on Google, it will show you the answer and what are the relevant questions other people around the world had asked. The result is big and small. The world is big because of its size. It is small because we can know other...
by Emelda Ntinglet | May 14, 2020
Lifestyle choices Better lifestyle choices are always a plus for people of all ages. The medical community wants people to better focus on their health. Eating the right foods and working out regularly can make a big difference. Improved lifestyle choices have...
by Emelda Ntinglet | May 11, 2020
How health conscious are Millennials? Know important facts. Millennials have been more health conscious than the previous generation as they are more proactive with their health matters and this is the reason why they are making healthy choices for their life....
by Emelda Ntinglet | May 7, 2020
A good lifestyle is always linked to longevity and better overall healthy. People are seeking to restore some semblance of balance in their life that way. How do I restore my balance in life? The answer can be simple if people are going to make a real change. Health...
by Emelda Ntinglet | May 4, 2020
The conscious consumer will make some smart choices from time to time. Previously, corporations would use ads to get people to buy products blindly. That is now being avoided and a new marketing tactic is being used. The healthy lifestyle choices are going to be...
by Emelda Ntinglet | Apr 30, 2020
How do you eat ethically on a budget? Important tips. The present generation in constantly making an effort to live in a more mindful and ethical manner so that they does not cause any harm to the environment. This is the reason why the people are giving more...